The genesis…

Remorse, confusion & fear. Remorse for what he had done, confusion for what he was doing and fear for what was to come. It couldn’t be real. What he felt was nothing like ever before. It couldn’t happen, he couldn’t let it, not again… For you to understand this lemme take this back to its genesis, back to where it all started, back to a past he longs to forget but in vain.

A young “boy”, for then he had not considered myself a man as he does now, innocent, naive, kind, willing to love and willing to trust. A boy who believed in love and fairy tales of how love thrived between a couple and was magical..💘💘

5 years on and see how he’s turned out to be, one with tattoos all over his back, a group of “so-called” friends and a bunch of girls of his liking…😰😰*lemme get back to the start* 😩

It was on his 13th birthday that Luke met the girl he fell madly in love with, call it love, infatuation, passion, interest, whatever you can but Luke didn’t know which was which, all he knew was that he wanted her and he would make sure he would get her at last. And by Jove he stuck to his word.

Natalie was not a simple girl and so Luke had much to do but an advantage Luke had was his looks, which he came to find out much later. They were hooked up and in 3 months they loved each other as much as they said it to each other…

😅😅YEAH..TRY PICTURING 13 YEAR OLD SWEETHEARTS…😆😆 might seem funny for this to occur but trust me it was very much real. Luke went to school thinking of Natalie and her flawless body which he loved watching…*yeah…watching…only..*don’t get any ideas. Natalie also headed to school but she wasn’t the missing type, she was an all-type person and she loved fun, way more than Luke..:(:(

It  was on a school function that Luke had worked hard to go …*by work hard i mean “paid alot” inorder to go to Natalie’s school and surprise her after writing to her many letters (none of which she replied) and he had given up thinking that maybe she was reading for her exams….*reading huh…😜😜....This would have been the most exciting period of the term, or at least he thought. Luke looked as innocent as usual and smartly dressed waiting to see his “love”…😯😥…*wait for it…

Lemme skip till where Luke met Natalie….😑😑

And there she was as beautiful as ever, but why was Luke dumbfounded..? Why did he feel like crying..? Why did he feel like his heart had been ripped out..? Why couldn’t he move..?

Oops….sorry I left out a part…Natalie was as beautiful as ever….but making out with another guy…& giving him a lap dance…😐..
Luke moved before Natalie could see him. After all, what could she say that couldn’t make it worse..?

And that’s where Luke lost his humanity… addressing relationships…😐😐….*forgive the Vampire Diaries vocab… 😯
Luke then took a vow never to love a girl…EVER…for he new with love only comes PAIN😥💔.
It sounds absurd…trust me, he did…😐😐 & it has haunted him till now…